
Efficient and energy-saving PET three-layer co-extruded composite plastic sheet production line

PRODUCTS > Multilayer sheet line > Efficient and energy-saving PET three-layer co-extruded composite plastic sheet production line

Efficient and energy-saving PET three-layer co-extruded composite plastic sheet production line

Product Brand: HENGRUI
Product model: HRPC-1300

Product thickness: 0.2 ~ 1 mm

Product width: 1300 mm

Total output: 1000 Kg / h

Main equipment composition: twin screw extruder, melt pump, manual mold, three-roll machine, online thickness measurement, silicone oil roll coating, on-line material recycling, four-station winder, cutting machine, etc

Energy efficient! Another latest work of Tianjin Hengrui!

The production line is mainly used for the production of PET three-layer composite sheet. We can configure the production line according to different requirements of customers.

Please call or EMAIL to determine the specific technical requirements and prices, delivery time, etc.

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